Tuesday, 29 June 2021

From Transition LO1: Understand the purpose of audio-visual promos

Types of audio visual promos: Film trailers, radio/spotify adverts, 

Cruella: 2-3 minutes, revealed backstory, didnt spoil too much, already a well known story

Drag Race: Didnt reveal much about the characters, just how they looked etc

Tomb Raider: Too cinematic, showed little gameplay.

Audio Visual promotion plays an important part in our day-to-day lives. Before new products are launched companies rely on these promotions to gain interest in a new product or even to relaunch an old product. Getting the promo right an have a significant impact on the interest of a product or service and the business. 

Sell Educate Entertain Inform (SEEI)


The arrangement of the scenery. The positioning of everything in the scene, actors, costumes, props, setting. It refers to everything infront of the camera. Miss-En-Scene in film is the overall effect of how it all comes together for the audience.

 Location, Costume, Body Language, Lighting Props

Camera Shots and Angles

Close up,

Long shot,

Medium shot, 

Extreme close up,

 High angle,

 Low angle,

 Birds eye.


Music is upbeat. suits tone of the school. Happy safe enviroment. 

Dialogue is from the perspective of the students and not a script, as well as the staff. Aimed towards viewers who are considering enrolling

Titles show who the students and staff are, makes the school seem more personal.

Establishing shots of the school instantly make it recognisable. 

Transitions are smooth and quick, keeps the viewer intrigued so they dont get bored as they would with longer slower shots

Scene: Engineering room creates professional atmosphere
Actor In foreground is the focal element so depth of field means the background is out of focus
Costume of the engineering smock makes the engineering department seem "hands on"
Props-Students using professional equipment 

Long shot is used in the art room making it seem spacious so there is "room for creativity" 


 grass building texturing clothing